A Grand Reopening!

Group of men at senior home grand opening event

Benchmark celebrated the grand reopening and completion of an approximately $8 million renovations project at New Pond Village recently.

Upgrades included the dining room and common areas on the lower level as well as units throughout the community. We also added an Executive Office of Elder Affairs-licensed Memory Care unit.

“We are the first community in Walpole to offer support to those with Alzheimer’s or dementia,” says Chairman and CEO Tom Grape.

Looking back on the acquisition of New Pond Village in 2017, Tom recalled the “crush” he had on the community.

“I could not be more delighted to have it in the Benchmark family today so we can elevate human connection in the Walpole area,” he says.

Many associates, residents, family members, friends and local officials attended the event, including State Sen. Paul Feeney and State Rep. Paul McMurtry.

Resident Council President John Tincler, a resident for more than 7 years, says the community is “certainly terrific” after the latest upgrades completed by South Coast Improvement Company.

“We thank you for all the improvements over the last few months,” he says.

New Pond Village