Residents at Benchmark average 19 daily interactions with our associates.
Follow the timeline below by using the scroll on your cursor or keyboard arrows to see how a day in the life at Benchmark differs from life spent at home.
At Benchmark, every day is full of opportunities to connect. Between our programming, social clubs, shared mealtimes, and group outings, there's always something to bond over. Add in moments of care along with spontaneous catch-ups and laughter, and suddenly a resident's day is not only full, but meaningful.

Why does Benchmark
prioritize human
Because isolation
poses a serious risk
for seniors.

At Home

Waking up to a quiet home, not having anyone to greet you or plan out the rest of the day with.
At Benchmark

Waking up with someone right around the corner to greet you, and finding comfort in knowing that there's always someone to lend a hand or share a smile.

Uncover the hidden dangers of loneliness.
Find an entire support network of people who care about you.
At Home

Breakfast is kept simple. Easy to make,
easy to clean up. Company is limited to the morning paper and the robin singing outside the kitchen window.
At Benchmark

Breakfast brings together the entire community. Delicious omelets are made
to order, fresh coffee flows freely, and conversation brightens the morning.

At Benchmark,
you're surrounded
by possibility.

Isolation and dementia by the numbers.
At Home

Lunch adds punctuation to an otherwise nondescript afternoon. Maybe it's a few slices of bread and cheese. Maybe it's leftover soup warmed up in the microwave. Either way, it's nothing fancy.
At Benchmark

At lunch, no one has to sit alone if they don't want to. Meals are prepared and served with care, made with fresh ingredients and customized to accommodate special diets.

See what's on the agenda at Benchmark.

At Home

Not knowing if someone will be around if you need their help can be a daunting reality for those living alone. The risks of solitude range from feeling isolated and cut off from the world, to facing an injury without anyone there to call on.
At Benchmark

With the presence of caring associates and friendly neighbors comes a feeling of security. At Benchmark, you can live confidently knowing that there's always someone there to cheer you up if you're feeling down, or to chat with if you'd like some company.
Watch life regain its color.

At Benchmark, connections are meaningful.

Our communities foster togetherness.

More about our incredible associates.
At Home

Dinner's typically eaten in the kitchen, background noise of the TV playing in the next room, providing an alternative to dining in silence.
At Benchmark

Dinner is a crowd favorite: spaghetti and meatballs. Jokes, stories, and slices of garlic bread make their way around the table. Conversation flows freely all the way through dessert.
At Home

It's time to do the dishes and tidy up the house. The novel sitting on the nightstand is waiting to be finished after all the nightly chores are taken care of.
At Benchmark

Movie night draws a crowd. Everyone settles into comfy seats with a snack or two, eagerly awaiting for the cinema magic to unfold.

Go to bed knowing you have something to look forward to tomorrow.

19 connections are just the beginning.
Start building lasting
connections now.

We'd love your company.
If you could see yourself or a loved one at one of our communities, let us know. Fill us in on any questions you may have and the best way to reach you, and we'll also give you access to download our guide to understanding loneliness in seniors.
We can't wait until you're home with us.