Evaluating How Dedicated a Senior Living Community is to Associates

Over the past month we’ve shared insight and suggestions for helping families like yours make an informed decision about senior living. We understand most seniors and their loved ones haven’t been through this process before. Without knowing what to ask and what to look for, it can be difficult to feel confident in your choice.
In this final segment of our series, we move on to talk about dedication. Evaluating a senior living provider’s dedication to their associates is vital. When associates of a community feel appreciated and empowered, they can be truly present and engaged with each resident in their care.
Creating an environment where associates, residents and families feel valued and respected allows more meaningful connections to develop.
As a senior or a family member, how can you objectively evaluate how dedicated an organization is to associates?
We have some suggestions on what questions you can ask to make that determination.
Questions to Ask a Senior Living Provider
Here are a few questions to ask when you visit a senior living community you are considering:
• What benefit programs do you offer associates?
• How are associates who demonstrate a commitment to the organization and residents rewarded?
• Has the provider received any awards for being a best place to work? If so, when was the most recent award?
• How does the company help an associate who falls on bad times or experiences a personal crisis? Is there a formal program in place?
• What is the organization’s mission with respect to associates?
The bottom line is that when a senior living provider is dedicated to a “people first” philosophy of caring for associates, everyone benefits.
Ask for Insight and Feedback
There is no greater testament to an organization’s results than testimonials from residents, friends and family. The people who have experienced a senior living community firsthand can offer you an unbiased look at what day-to-day life is really like.
We strongly encourage you to:
• Ask colleagues who might have a family member in a senior living community for their honest feedback.
• Make time to read family reviews on senior review sites.
• Ask the communities you are visiting if they have any testimonials from current residents or families.
• Research communities on social media platforms to see what people have to say.
Finally, we would like to extend an offer to you to schedule a complimentary Benchmark Home Visit. One of our experienced associates will visit you or your senior loved one at home to discuss current challenges, help you connect with local resources and answer any questions you might have about senior care.